Just a few things to show what you are like now. You hate to be left. You cry when you see Patsy, your baby-sitter, and you scream when we leave. But you seem to quiet down soon and didn’t miss us so much. You want your own way now and cry and hold your breath until you get it or (more usually) until you decide it’s no use!
You love stair climbing (up and down) and are quite good at it. You learn skills quickly when you are able to do things. You learned to play “catch” with a rubber doorstop today and you imitate us in all kinds of things.
We were at a conference last weekend in Fort. Leavenworth, Kansas, and someone was pointing his finger and shaking his hand very exuberantly to make a point. You stretched out your hand, pointed a finger and began to shake it vigorously with the funniest, most serious expression!
You have gone through a phase of exploring my mouth, wanting to stick your fingers down my throat. You also stick them down your own throat until you gag.
You try to brush your own hair and teeth and feed yourself. You are a funny mixture of independence and total dependence. I need to learn you as a person in your own right, not just my baby. At this rate you will be grown up all too soon.