August 19, 1974

It’s been a long time since I wrote last, and a lot has happened. We went on vacation Jully 15 and got home on the 9th of August. A lot happened in between.

You were a good traveler. You rode in your new car seat facing forward with Aunt Jeannie in the back keeping you company. The first day was long and hard but you didn’t complain until we were almost in Denver. However, you were very tired before we found a place to eat at about 9 PM and you fussed and fussed. (The entry stops here but I remember we stayed in a hotel and put you in the closet to sleep on the carpet. You lost your pacifier in the night, and it was a long time before any of us got to sleep. We picked up Cathy the next day the airport and went to the OCF camp, Spring Canyon, in Buena Vista. After that we traveled on through Utah to McCall where we stayed at the cabin. Your first real road trip and it went very well).

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